
Why Indian Men Have Become Brutal Murderers


India, known for its rich cultural heritage and diversity, has recently witnessed a disturbing rise in brutal murders committed by men. This alarming trend raises questions about the factors contributing to this phenomenon and the impact it has on society. In this article, we will explore the various reasons behind why some Indian men have become brutal murderers and delve into the broader societal implications.

1. Introduction

Violence has been an unfortunate part of human history, and India is no exception. However, the recent increase in brutal murders committed by men has shocked the nation and sparked widespread concern. To understand this phenomenon, we need to examine the historical context and delve into the underlying factors contributing to such acts.

2. Historical context of violence in India

India has a long history of violence, with instances of warfare, communal clashes, and caste-based conflicts. However, it is crucial to differentiate between these broader forms of violence and the specific issue of brutal murders committed by men. While violence in general has existed for centuries, the nature and extent of these brutal acts seem to have intensified in recent years.

3. Factors contributing to the rise in brutal murders

Social and cultural norms

Indian society has traditionally been steeped in patriarchal values and gender inequality. The deeply ingrained social norms often perpetuate a sense of entitlement and control over women, leading to an environment where violence against them is more likely to occur. These norms restrict women's autonomy and contribute to a toxic masculinity that fuels aggression and brutality.

delhi murder case

Gender inequality

Despite progress in various spheres, gender inequality remains a pervasive issue in India. Unequal power dynamics between men and women can foster a sense of resentment and frustration among certain individuals, leading to violent outbursts as a means of exerting control or seeking revenge.

Mental health issues

Mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and personality disorders, can play a significant role in violent behavior. India faces numerous challenges in terms of mental health awareness, access to treatment, and social stigmatization. When coupled with other factors like societal pressure and lack of support systems, individuals with untreated mental health issues may resort to brutal acts.

Substance abuse

The misuse of drugs and alcohol is another contributing factor to the rise in brutal murders. Substance abuse can impair judgment, increase aggression, and lower inhibitions, making individuals more prone to engage in violent acts. High levels of stress, unemployment, and societal pressures may drive some men to substance abuse, exacerbating the issue.

Influence of media and entertainment

The media and entertainment industry play a significant role in shaping societal attitudes and behaviour. Unfortunately, the portrayal of violence, misogyny, and toxic masculinity in certain forms of media can contribute to normalizing and glorifying such behaviour. Exposure to such content may desensitize individuals and influence their actions.

4. Case studies and examples

To understand the gravity of the situation, it is essential to examine specific cases of brutal murders that have made headlines in India. These cases serve as stark reminders for the urgent need to address the underlying causes and take preventive measures.

High-profile cases

Instances such as the Nirbhaya case in Delhi and the Kathua rape and murder case in Jammu and Kashmir garnered national and international attention. These cases highlighted the brutality and the need for immediate action to ensure justice and prevent future occurrences.

Regional variations

While the issue of brutal murders is not limited to a particular region, there are certain areas where it appears more prevalent. For instance, states like Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Bihar have witnessed a higher incidence of such crimes. Understanding the regional variations can aid in formulating targeted interventions and prevention strategies.

5. Impact on society and the justice system

The rise in brutal murders has had a profound impact on Indian society and the justice system.

Public outrage and protests

Incidents of brutal murders often trigger public outrage and protests demanding justice and stricter laws. These protests serve as a collective expression of frustration, seeking immediate action to prevent further acts of violence.

Legal reforms and initiatives

In response to public demand and growing concerns, the Indian government has taken steps to strengthen the legal framework. New laws, such as the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, have been enacted to provide stricter punishments for crimes against women and children.

Role of law enforcement

The effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in preventing and responding to brutal murders plays a crucial role. There is a need for better training, sensitization, and efficient investigation processes to ensure timely justice for victims and deter potential offenders.

6. Psychological analysis of perpetrators

Understanding the psychological factors underlying the behavior of brutal murderers is essential in addressing the issue effectively.

Deep-rooted misogyny and patriarchy

Misogyny, fueled by patriarchal norms, is a significant contributor to the violence perpetrated against women. The belief in male superiority and the objectification of women create an environment where brutal acts are rationalized and normalized.

Power dynamics and control

Acts of brutal violence often stem from a desire for control and dominance. Perpetrators may resort to extreme measures to exert power over their victims, driven by a warped sense of entitlement and a need to establish authority.

Psychopathy and antisocial behaviour

In some cases, individuals who commit brutal murders exhibit traits associated with psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder. These disorders are characterized by a lack of empathy, impulsivity, and a disregard for societal norms. Identifying such individuals and addressing their mental health needs is crucial for prevention.

7. Addressing the issue

Tackling the problem of brutal murders requires a multi-faceted approach involving various stakeholders.

Education and awareness

Promoting education and awareness on gender equality, consent, and respect is vital to challenge deep-rooted social norms. Comprehensive sexuality education and gender sensitization programs can help prevent violence and promote healthy relationships.

Empowering women and promoting gender equality

Empowering women economically, socially, and politically can help shift power dynamics and reduce vulnerability. Measures such as providing access to education, employment opportunities, and leadership roles are crucial for creating a more equitable society.

Mental health support and counseling

Investing in mental health services, awareness campaigns, and destigmatizing seeking help for mental health issues is crucial. Providing accessible and affordable counseling services can aid in identifying and addressing underlying psychological factors contributing to violent behavior.

Strengthening the justice system

Ensuring swift and fair justice for victims of brutal murders is essential to restore faith in the justice system. This requires efficient investigation processes, specialized courts, and support services for victims.

8. Conclusion

The rise in brutal murders committed by Indian men is a distressing issue that demands urgent attention. By understanding the various factors contributing to this phenomenon and implementing comprehensive measures, we can work towards creating a society that is safe, equitable, and free from violence.


The New Normal- Work from home(WFH)

The world coined a new name last year : The New Normal- Work from home(WFH). Literally the world went to a complete stand still, roads , offices were lying empty, there were no people, no traffic, no roadblocks, no trains etc., just animals roaming around freely. 

Corona virus brought everything to a standstill, one will only hear sound of the ambulance sirens passing by, every now and then one or the other neighbor was getting infected, raising more fear amongst others. People had to keep their doors and windows closed literally, in the fear of catching the infection. The first initial months were literally hectic, timebound laws of keeping shops and markets open, just get your things as quickly as possible, keeping one self away from others, maintaining distance in between. Many vegetable markets saw queues which have never happened before. It was really good to see that we humans abided by the laws. The security agencies like the POLICE had a very grueling time keeping there vigil on for hours to maintain complete lockdown across the country rather I should say the world. 

As days passed by , the new normal started becoming a new habit, people started mentally settling down in their houses thinking that it would keep themselves safe. A slight miss can bring down a huge calamity in a family. Corona was that fearful. It was more fearful as because no one know about the virus, it was only found out that keeping yourself clean, maintaining social distancing and most important of all keeping ones nose, and mouth covered with a proper mask might keep the virus away. There was an unknown fear which gripped even the strongest Braveheart's

Hats of to those doctors and nurses and all medical personnel who spent hours and days in hospitals without returning home to their families. The death toll was increasing day by day, millions breathed their last, burning Ghats, burial grounds were running out of woods or space to cremate the ones who passed away. News of mass burnings like what happened during those world war days were prevailing all around. Even burning the dead was a big concern as the virus might spread underground also. The safest bet was burning as fire can kill any virus.  People were not even allowed to see their near and dear ones , bodies were put in huge gunny bags and sealed to avoid further infection. Those who dared to open the bags before cremation brought more infection around, such was the tenacity of the virus!

Inspite of all these can any service industry stop, better to say can any industry stop, how would companies earn if they stop working and here came the new working style: WORK FROM HOME. People started calling it the new normal. I remember in the initial days where corona had started wrecking its havoc we all were so perturbed, our families were tensed seeing us going out to work. People started talking with seniors as to what can be done and then finally the day came when it announced by my company that we need to come to office at a certain time to collect our PCs so that we can start work from home, there was a total chaos, IT departments of companies had a tough time aligning the PCs, getting them work ready out of the office network. Many of us didn't get their work stations on the same day, they were delivered later to their homes.

I wonder for companies like mine which are supposed to have a methodical approach to scenarios, who have a BAU approach at all conditions, also suffered then what happened to those organizations who are not. Many people lost their jobs after a couple of months as there was no business. Work from home was not possible for many. We working for white collar organizations were able to sustain but still there were many who were not able to .

Work from home was a boon to many and a bane to many too. 


9minutes Diwali @ 9 pm tonight

We Indians are a religious fraternity,we believe in the divine whatsoever the name may be,Jesus,Allah,Krishna,Govind Singh etc the names are never ending and every religious groups has its own diverse fraternities.

Today is the day of Diwali,a different Diwali not the one according to the calendar though.

Many are already of the belief that today's 9pm lights off,and Light on Diyas and candles have a meaning to it. Hindus believe that this is been done to invoke the power of Mars,other religions will have their own insights too.But what's important I feel is the power to unite and fight.

Viruses don't understand caste, religion,etc but we the home sapiens do.

 We have listened to innumerable stories of killing the evil by the good so why not kill the evil virus also which has become a bane for our society. Well I know very well that lighting Diyas and candles won't kill the virus but the feeling of unity,the feeling of calmness in the dark will make our minds calm and strong.

Day in and day out we hear,read,discuss only about covid 19 as if it is the hit movie of the year. Newspapers,Social Media etc are full of covid 19 news only.People taking selfies,tagging some other friends and then that person tagging another person the chain continues....

Moreover debates and discussions about wheather we should light the diyas today,should we turn off the lights,what difference is it going to make,the questions are never ending

 As the late prime minister of India rightly told that beyond science Indians believe in the  metaphysical power of the divine god's and goddesses ,so why not abide by that.when the majority is religious then whatsoever be the reason let's turn off the lights and light the diyas and candles.

Religioust gatherings are happening albeit in small numbers in the name of Ram Navami Or Jamaat , every evening we see many people light diyas,candles,Incense sticks ,so why not repeat the same once again today as requested by the government.

So let's leave back all taboos ,all differences of religion , cast etc ,let's give our questions a full stop for a day ,let's believe for the good and together light the Diya of life today,a life free of Covid19.

I am an Atheist but still I would as I am tired of fear of contamination,tired of washing hands,tired of washing clothes and have a bath when ever I need to go out,aren't you tired too???Come lets celebrate a 9minutes Diwali @ 9 pm tonight!!!Cheers!!!!


Can of Worms

A letter from the first Prime Minister of India was making its rounds across all networking sites be it Face Book or Twitter. It was a letter to England complaining about the great man the late Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

The man who dared GIVE ME BLOOD I WILL GIVE YOU FREEDOM. This was the slogan of our great freedom fighter who had a mysterious death. Its been more than a century we Indians have been kept in the dark from the truth behind Netaji's death.
Lots of books have been been written, research papers have been published but everyone of them couldn't give us the truth.

I remember when I was a child, learning about Netaji, I was told he died of a plane crash but that has not been proven because the black box was not found.
I being a Bengali born in kolkata even had a chance of visiting Netaji's house which has been turned into a museum. I saw numerous pictures of the great leader from his childhood till his last day in his house before he fled in disguise as he was imprisoned in his own house.

The question here is why such a hullabaloo about this. Why the previous governments failed to open the truth to us. Why did Nehru hide the truth? Was it because it could have opened a can of worms , it could have made them loose their power in the country as they were aware that Netaji could have spearheaded in Indian Politics keeping them far behind. 

So this reminds us the present scenario of Indian Politics where our ministers fail to come up with any thing solid fearing they loose their vote banks as it is an age old tradition of India then. 

Don't our ministers think that this is a shame on our part , hiding truth of a legend. Kudos to the present leadership who dared. The predecessors were afraid provided the country loose their faith on
them, after they have ruled the country for the maximum tenure. After all their can of worms is out in public now. 


Abhimanu Gaud-another prey of the drunk driving virus.

Abhimanu Gaud- the late corporal who lost his life in Kolkata recently not in a war but because someone was over speeding, broke all barriers in an inebriated state. Footage shows how he went past all barriers where army personnel were practising parade for the Republic Day. The road was cordoned off and inspite of that the guy decided to break it. We have his friend who was also part of his booze party confirming that they asked him not to drive but this guy decided not to. The other friends were asked not to enter the cordoned off area which they complied but this guy didn't. He sped from the area and even got help from the police how and which way to flee. 

Incidentally this guy is the son of a local politician of the ruling party who along with his son went on a run. They were not to be found. Local police failed to nab them immediately and when voices arose; when protests were galore they were found and arrested. 

This is not the first time we hear headlines of hit and run cases of drunk-driving. This has happened numerous times, we have examples of celebrities too. Drunk-driving has proved to be fatal countless times but we don't learn. It was sad of the police to bail this guy out instead of arresting him on the spot. Why the police failed to stop him and helped him flee? Weren't they aware one day or the other he will be caught? Why immediate steps were not taken by the government? Is it because the police were afraid of the political leader whose wrath they may have to face or the government felt that they are going to loose on their vote banks?

Sambia Sohrab: that's the name of the killer. My Facebook was rampant of photos of this guy and the clip of the CCTV footage of his zooming Audi. How come a 28 year old lad drives a vehicle like Audi? Did he earn it or was it gifted by his father. Did his father buy it through honest means or was it the other way round. 

I remember when I went to USA a couple of years back for a training sponsored by the client; we went to one of our client’s house for dinner. We were accompanied by another man from the same team, He was offered drinks, and he refused. My colleague from India who was with me took the offer and I was a teetotaller. Why did this man refuse the drink? He had to drive back home his wife, us and himself. That's the thought, should be embedded in every one’s mind. If I have to drink outside my home I should make sure that I am not driving, I will ask my friends to drop me if they are sober or else take a taxi. 
The Corporal who lost his life doesn't drive an Audi, instead he makes sure that the city is safe. I really hope that his perpetrator gets his correct due and no political influence is paid heed to by the judiciary. 

Why can’t the government start implementing some strict rules across the country against drunken driving? 

A report from Times of India: 

Rs 2000, that's it and we are still waiting for the amount of Rs 10000 to be accepted by all states!!! Why such a lackadaisical attitude against implementing such rules. Why so much time wasted. So many lives lost. I am sure this is not just one case, there are many. Surprising is hit and run cases have increased but conviction rates have decreased. 

There is a strict law about wearing helmets in Kolkata which I haven't seen much anywhere, which I have appreciated every time when I tell this to my colleagues in my present place of stay. Then why not against over speeding and drunk driving???? When will our governments start taking prompt actions and instead of fearing for their vote banks?


0.5% Cess

It’s been long, close to 400+ days I am back to my blog. My last blog was about the Swacch Bharat campaign by our honourable Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi. Now we have a Swacch Bharat cess of 0.5% levied on many services liable for service tax, effective from November 15, 2015, which means whatever you earn or spend you give a 0.5% to the Swacch Bharat campaign along with other taxes like VAT or IT.
Thanks to telegraphindia.com

“Swachh Bharat Cess is not another tax but a step towards involving each and every citizen in making contribution to Swachh Bharat. The 0.5% levy will translate into a tax of 50 paisa only on every Rs 100 worth of taxable services,” the finance ministry said in a statement. The proceeds from this cess will be exclusively used for Swachh Bharat initiatives of the government, it added.

I really appreciated the campaign but I am a little sceptical about the cess factor. Why?  We have a past history of our governments Pandora’s box opening with scams after a while they are in power or after they lost power. Of course blaming it on the ministry would be wrong, there are tons of government servants who sit hungry for a prey to come and this time it is the 0.5% cess in the name of Swachh Bharat.

When the campaign started, there were a lot of hue and cry but we rarely hear or see any. When it was launched we used to see every day almost many organisations, corporate honchos, sports stars, film stars etc. hitting the streets with a jharu (broom) in hand. Many places seemed clean literally.
The big question here is why can’t we keep it going? We are paying the cess but we don’t know what’s happening to it. The media who were going gaga with headlines of different Swacch Bharat campaigns- where they are now?

When such an initiative is taken someone should make sure that the awareness campaign continues. We might have seen our PM with a broom in hand cleaning roads but how many times we have seen a local MLA or a Corporator doing the same. This needs to be done at the grassroots. Every MLAs and Corporators should start such campaigns on a regular basis in their own wards. That way we will be able to increase more awareness and spread cleanliness. Local clubs and organisations should follow. There are millions of local clubs in the country who can create a niche of their own by starting such campaigns at least every fortnight. We see clubs during festivals only be it Durgapuja or Ganesha or any other deities. Don’t these clubs understand cleanliness is next to godliness?
The government have started a very wonderful campaign. When we go outside the country and appreciate the other countries for their cleanliness we forget it’s the common mass that have done it, who have felt the need for it.


Swacch Bharat

I was reading a kids book today where it was talking about many stories starting with Once upon a time....'but now is a time to rethink India with the line There would be a time......

Well that's what our Honorable Prime Minister wants in his Swacch Bharat Campaign. He have made all of us  envision India as a land where Cleanliness is next to Godliness. The photo where we saw our PM cleaning the road was really inspiring- a perfect example of Leading by Example. Till now I have heard of this term in my workplaces only and mostly it has stayed as a philosophy. But our PM has proved the mettle of the phrase.

Thanks to INDIATV
This one photo inspired many. This followed many corporate wizards brooming their way to cleanliness.
Our PMs vision of a clean India by 2019. the birth centenary year of the Father of the Nation.If we all avoid actions of injustice against cleanliness then of course we can create a Clean India.

It is not only the responsibility of our PM to clean India or keep our country clean...but it is the responsibility of every citizen to make sue that our country is kept clean to the too. 

We all citizens should have to make sure that we should not throw any litter on the road , use dustbins effectively. Garbage should be put in garbage bins only. Like wise it should be the responsibility of every MLAs, Corporators, Municipalities to ensure that there are enough garbage disposal systems every where and garbage recycling is done effectively. 

Clean India requires every citizen to maintain effective garbage disposal habits, also bring in and I would say "Teach" every young kid effective garbage and litter disposal system. The new ones or the kids should be taught right from keeping their home clean and thereby keep their motherland clean. Common faults of us being littering, spitting anywhere on the roads makes the roads dirty. Plastics are a big menace. They are also responsible for multiple blockages of the drainage system which causes water clogging during rainy season. This inadvertently takes a toll on the roads too. The roads are full of potholes already and this increases day by day. Just think one small practice of cleanliness can bring in so many changes in the country too. 

This is a utmost request to all citizens of India to practice an effective Swacch Bharat.


Murderers Turned Artisans of Lord Ganesh

Its festival time in India again, time for the Ganesha Puja in a couple of days then followed by the Durga Puja or Navratri for many, Dussehra, and then Diwali and finally we have the Christmas and the New Year.

Day before yesterday a small news caught my attention and I felt very happy. I felt it is a new festive year with a new beginning, with something good happening, cause of these Pujas. I have an opinion that religion brings people together but it also tears apart many too. The numerous riots are caused mainly on the basis of religion and caste.

What caught my attention was a few murderers have turned artisans and is making Ganesha Idols which is selling out too. This has happened in a jail in Gujarat where a few inmates took training in making clay models and are making so nice models of the Lord Ganesha that the Jail authorities are finding tough to take orders, its like Demand is more for these idols compared to the supplying capacity. Whats best is the people who are making are inmates on life terms and they are from all religions specially mix of HINDUS and MUSLIMS. These inmates have forgotten their religious barriers if any and have come together in the making of these Ganesha idols.

This is great example of secularism in our country. Might be its time that out religious leaders and ministers and certain groups who blacklisted secularism in the country takes a learning from these people. These inmates are of the feeling  that they have got a new beginning in their life.

It is highly commendable on the part of the SABARMATI JAIL AUTHORITIES to have come up with such a noble idea and more noble on the part these inmates who showed enthusiasm in learning making clay models and proving themselves to be more than fit for the purpose.

Will our religious leaders call these Blasphemy? or would they appreciate the efforts.I feel many people are actually appreciating and that's why orders are pouring in for more. More over these people are making clay models which is environmentally friendly compared to the normal POP(Plaster of Paris) models.

I feel the government should take in measures to improve the psyche of such people who have turned worshipers of humanity from being a bane to humanity. This would improve the morale of other criminals too thereby making the country better with less crime. These instances should be cited as an example to many. These could be an example to those youths in India who take cudgels in small issues and refuse to mentally accept the truth beyond being a true humanitarian.

I remember a year back there was series in one of the famous TV channels where it portrayed about many criminals who turned themselves to a respectable citizen of the country. There were examples enough which showed us the fact : Criminals are not born they are made. Such instances are there in other countries too I am sure and these are the ones which should be more highlighted instead of only notifying people through media about the ongoing crimes in the society.


Should Barack Obama get a second tenure as President of USA?

America is seeing a lot of political running around now with 2 main presidential candidates running for the post of president: The president himself and Republican Candidate Mitt Romney. News channels are running reports and analysis and trillions are supposed to be spent in this campaign alone.

Now the question arises : Should OBAMA be elected for the second time? When such a question arises there is a lot of backgrounds checks which needs to be done. What has the man done till now for the country, what reforms he has brought in, how many jobs have been regained, etc etc.

On the other hand the other contestant is also placed on the other side of the beam balance and thought given as to what he can do for the country if he is elected.Should Americans take the risk of electing someone else this time or they will think of going on with OBAMA only as he has been there already and given a few more years can bring in more reforms to the country.

Barack Obama is facing a fierce battle on grounds of Outsourcing now. Still now many companies are outsourcing jobs to countries like India, Philippines etc which has created job loss for Americans leading to an increase in unemployment. But those who are pitching this topic that after Obama came in there were reforms brought in and the country as well as the world avoided a second Great Depression.

Here are a few more reasons which might help OBAMA get a second tenure:

  1. He ended Don't Ask Don't Tell.
  2. He signed the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act,  a bill designed to break down wage discrimination barriers for women which aims at reducing inequality to women in places of work and OBAMA have since then tried to reduce inequality in all sectors of the country which is really awesome.
  3. Of the 8.7 million jobs lost since September 2008 including the 4.3 million lost ,virtually all those lost since his time in office have been regained.
  4. He was instrumental in the removal of the DON'T ASK DON'T TELL policy in USA. This was a US military policy for homosexuals where the military was of the opinion that their presence "would create an unacceptable risk to the high standards of morale, good order and discipline, and unit cohesion that are the essence of military capability."
  5. Last but not the least he was instrumental in eliminating one of the biggest threats of USA but also the whole world: Osama bin Laden.

These in short are some of the positives of Obama administration but of course there are detractors. There is no political hero in the world how do not have detractors and who have kept his/her word what was promised before getting elected. No one will ever be able to do so as when someone becomes a leader he also needs to keep many other people happy in his own party too who might as well oppose some of his ideas. Well that's what democracy is all about.

He who wins should be the right person for UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, What Say folks !!.......................feel free to pen down your comments....


Talibanisation of Afganishtan

Few years back I wrote "Blasphemy in the name of religion", I wondered how a person is termed blaspheme if the person don't agree to any religion or rules of a religion. History has shown as many examples where people have been alleged to have blasphemed against religion. Would we forget Galileo or Socrates? But years down the line their words, their research have proved to be beneficial to all. There had been a lot of Galileo s and Socrates who have done good for us but we turned deaf ears to them initially and later accepted the change.

Nowadays blasphemy have taken a new route, where people are beheaded and killed as they entertained themselves by playing music and dancing to it. Can you imagine where we have changed too. The people who beheads others are also humans but they consider themselves to be the protectors of a particular religion. They are of the opinion that they are correct and they know the respective religion unlike anyone. These are people who can cause bloodshed without a chill in the spine. I remember when I was young I saw a goat being killed during the Bengali Kali Puja and I felt a chill. Of course its not that I am a vegetarian but seeing a big goat getting beheaded is something different. Its good that many households in the Bengali community have abolished the ritual.

I am talking of the Talibans in Afghanistan who recently beheaded around 17 people including a couple of women too as they were dancing to music. Talibans have done this before too a few years back, they have killed several innocent Afghanistan in the name of religion and power. They started many rules in the name of religion where they have chained the freedom of women under various laws of Islam, many of them created by them and nowhere is depicted in the Holy Quran too.

Talibans have proved to be in humans who were responsible for the loss of hundreds of lives in Afghanistan a few years back before they were thrown out of power but it seems they are trying to hit back again slowly by showing their deeds if inhumanity in the name of religion. Talibans have destroyed many historical sculptures dating back to centuries as those sculptures were not of Islam. They were of Lord Buddha. The famous bamiyan Buddhas were destroyed even after repeated requests from all quarters across the world, but all requests went to deaf ears. Normally we preserve these structures as these ones are heritage sites. So question arises people who don't know the meaning of heritage , how do they expect to maintain the heritage of a religion which they claim to be theirs.

Is there a way Talibans can be turned to normal humans so that they have some normal human instincts instead of the animal instinct they have. Is it really possible only by gun shots or there are some other ways. I think the famous Divide and Rule policy might work in this. The Afghanistan government need to find out loopholes in Talibans so that they can be brought to a human court to turn into humans. A lot of psychologists need to work days and nights might be to turn these people. 

Hoping for a sunny day for Afghanistan.


Should India wait any more for AJMAL KASAB to be hanged ?

Ajmal Kasab is doing the headlines today as he was gifted with the death sentence today. Well, this man have made headlines many a times though He made himself famous with his pics in the CST in mumbai when he attacked the civilians with a AK47 in hand.

He was also accompanied by another militant Ismail khan who died in cross firing and Kasab was captured alive by a constable who took 5 bullets still held on to Kasabs gun so that he can be captured alive. I still remember that day, every news channel was showing LIVE the CST, Tajmahal hotel and other places hit in the attack, police, firemen were here and there trying to douse the fire. So many people lost their lives including police officers and security personnel.

The next few days the headlines had only details of the Mumbai attacks, news of people who lost their lives, news of security personnel who braved all odds. It was a black day in our country. Every body mourned the deaths of the ones who braved their lives for the safety of others.

Kasab if that's his actual name as there were many confusions on his name too initially because of language difference. India have spend close to 50 crores for the safety of the man who according to the courts of India waged war against the country. He was responsible for multiple innocent deaths and loss of millions of money.It was told that the government had to construct a special cell for him which cannot be destroyed by RDX too.

So why are we waiting to hang him to death. The government have got enough time to take out information from him. Initially Pakistan denied his existence as a Pakistani but later even Pakistan agreed that he is from Pakistan when many reporters traced him to his village faridkot in Pakistan.

We spend a lot of money in petting these dreaded terrorists who take our country as a place where they can do anything. Our judiciary system being slow indirectly makes the country loose more money in keeping these people alive. Moreover the almost abolishment of capital punishment have made things more worse. The judiciary should have a special system for people like KASAB. No further choices should be given for appealing to a higher court. There should be a fast pace system of coming to a judgement for these people.

AS the present uproar in the country says that KASAB should be hanged soon, I completely agree to this as no further taxpayers money should be wasted for people like this. Of course chances can be given to live and improve but to those who feels guilty about their deeds but people like KASAB don't. There were instances where he went on record saying that what he has done is for the good. He agreed to the ideas of the militants who derived the plan of bombing mumbai.

People like Kasab should never be given a chance to live , only then it might bring in changes to the ones who still idol worship him. Exceptions should be given to those who understands their guilt and seeks forgiveness.